Finally bought my ticket to Europe! I just took the plunge and bought for Cyprus and Greece, really hope one of my best friends can make it to Cyprus, cause it will be a little tough without her, seriously may just fly over and see her if she can't make it.
Greece is exciting though, there's the best friend's wedding, there's all the lovely girls coming, some of whom I haven't seen in 11 years! That's a long time for girls I call sisters. Wish we were all financially somewhere this trip would be a little easier on them. Personally this is what the vacation fund is for. But if I do plan on doing the crazy Australia/New Zealand trip anytime in the future I have to lay off Europe for a while, that's going to be hard.
I love faux rock soaps.
I went to Misfits in Santa Monica last week, I had heard good things, it's location was Anisette, and they've kept all that beautiful decor, I took a couple steps in and knew we were misfits here, it was no longer Paris, it was a bar, a noisy bar, and the group I was with didn't belong in it. We went around the block to Buddha's Belly instead. Much better, Amazing black noodles, still full of people, but reasonable noise levels.
I love books, a great passion they completely take over everywhere, they start piling up on furniture after a while, there comes a point, well I want to donate some books. I just can't keep them all and there are some I love less, I've read them, and just didn't feel a connection, some of which, I don't like to admit are considered classics. I no longer donate to the Salvation Army, turns out politically there are a few points I just can't support them on, and Goodwill is huge, so I'm a little worried about what they may support, so where do I take them, LA area, if anyone knows.
Greece is exciting though, there's the best friend's wedding, there's all the lovely girls coming, some of whom I haven't seen in 11 years! That's a long time for girls I call sisters. Wish we were all financially somewhere this trip would be a little easier on them. Personally this is what the vacation fund is for. But if I do plan on doing the crazy Australia/New Zealand trip anytime in the future I have to lay off Europe for a while, that's going to be hard.

I love faux rock soaps.
I went to Misfits in Santa Monica last week, I had heard good things, it's location was Anisette, and they've kept all that beautiful decor, I took a couple steps in and knew we were misfits here, it was no longer Paris, it was a bar, a noisy bar, and the group I was with didn't belong in it. We went around the block to Buddha's Belly instead. Much better, Amazing black noodles, still full of people, but reasonable noise levels.
I love books, a great passion they completely take over everywhere, they start piling up on furniture after a while, there comes a point, well I want to donate some books. I just can't keep them all and there are some I love less, I've read them, and just didn't feel a connection, some of which, I don't like to admit are considered classics. I no longer donate to the Salvation Army, turns out politically there are a few points I just can't support them on, and Goodwill is huge, so I'm a little worried about what they may support, so where do I take them, LA area, if anyone knows.
I've started working a couple days a week now at my cousin's carbon fiber bicycle manufacturing shop now, so much fun should not be had in a work environment, he has so much passion for the product it rubs off on everyone at work. Secretly want to just work there full time.
I had a couple anniversaries in May or rather would have had, there were a few days there my head just wasn't right, I thought the first one would be tough, but the second one really killed me. How does someone move on from something like this, I'm still lost. Not sure who I am, but I guess a part of me is a blogger now. I keep trying to find my own likes, and finding things he likes as well, there is a huge downside to dating your best friend, the line between us is so blurry for me.
I had a couple anniversaries in May or rather would have had, there were a few days there my head just wasn't right, I thought the first one would be tough, but the second one really killed me. How does someone move on from something like this, I'm still lost. Not sure who I am, but I guess a part of me is a blogger now. I keep trying to find my own likes, and finding things he likes as well, there is a huge downside to dating your best friend, the line between us is so blurry for me.
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