Apricot Cake |
We spent the entire weekend dealing with the new sideboard, from empting the old one (half of which is becoming the new telephone console, so we also emptied the old telephone console) to restocking, spring cleaning, and trying to logically rearrange our kitchen and dinning room. It sounds like a lot and honestly, it wasnt that labor intensive. Though my grandmother managed to get on my nerves again. She came to help, which is almost immpossible for her to do, in reality her favorite grandson who lives with her was out of town, doing his uncharacteristic survival training, and she was lonely and wanted to hang out with us. She drove me nuts saying that we needed men around to help us move furniture, while the two other females in the room were moving it all. Meanwhile her favorite grandson, I suppose one of the absent men she was talking about, once refused to change the water cooler's bottle "cause it would hurt his back", which left it to me, his younger female cousin to do it, like i do on a regular basis. Needless to say there was a lot of eye rolling going on that day.
I ended up baking a quick cake on Sunday, as a reward of all the work we had put into the last few days. I wasnt a box cake fan till I came across this recipe. But I love moist cake and this holds a huge amount of moisture.
Apricot cake
1 box of lemon cake mix
1 can apricot juice
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup oil
4 eggs
Mix it all together, and pour it into a greased bundt, bake at 350 for an hour. Cover while still warm with lemon glaze.
Lemon glaze is just a mix of lemon juice and powdered sugar, Start off with like a cup of sugar and take it easy with the lemon juice, cause a little bit goes a long way.
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